Unipro’s 25th Anniversary!
Published on: December 14, 2018

Unipro has crossed the 25-year mark — a quarter of a century, no small feat. It's a time to reflect on the past and clarify the direction for the future. We've been through a lot — with the country, Akademgorodok, employees, and clients. In 2010, our first long-term client, Sun Microsystems, disappeared, absorbed by Oracle… In 2004, thanks to Unipro’s expertise, Intel opened a development center in Novosibirsk, but left after 12 years… Yet, we remain. We continue to grow talented engineers with unique skills, lead serious long-term projects in various fields, and develop our own IT products. In recent years, our company has been focusing more on the Russian IT industry, which brings optimism. We have opened the next 25 years — join us!