USPARS Solver for Scientists at the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

In October 2023, the server version of the USPARS software package, a solver for large sparse systems of linear equations, was deployed on the resources of the Siberian Supercomputer Center (SSCC).
The solver is now available to all researchers with access to the SSCC, who can upload it to any computing node and run calculations with various numbers of computational threads.
The performance of the package is optimized for shared-memory servers based on multi-core processors through the use of OpenMP parallelization, highly optimized mathematical libraries, and several proprietary algorithmic optimizations.
USPARS has been tested on sets of hundreds of test matrices. The results show that its reliability, accuracy, and performance are on par with, and in many cases surpass, those of foreign competitors.
On November 23, a seminar was held at SSCC, where UNIPRO lead engineer Sergey Solovyev presented the scientific community with the results of solving linear systems using the latest version of the USPARS solver. He also provided detailed instructions on how to run the package on SSCC resources, including different configurations, ready-made examples, and comprehensive documentation with result logging.
The speaker also outlined the project’s roadmap, one of the key points being the development of a version of the solver for distributed-memory systems, i.e., clusters. Once implemented, it will also become available to SSCC users.
Summarizing the seminar, the moderator noted that the USPARS package is already among the global leaders in its class and helps ensure the country's technological sovereignty.